Monday, September 19, 2011

City Profile

  • Gateway to Northern Mindanao
  • ICT Goldmine of the Philippines
  • City of White Water Rafting & River Trekking
  • A City in Bloom, in Blossom, and in BOOM!
  • Welcome to the City Of Golden Friendship!
Cagayan de Oro City
Socio-Economic Profile
Summary Profile as of 1999

Cagayan de
Oro Classification:                              Highly Urbanized City
1.1  Location……………………….. Northern Mindanao
North……………….. Macajalar Bay
South……………….. Bukidnon
Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental
West………………... Opol, Misamis oriental
1.2  Barangays
Urban………………. 63
Rural……………….. 17
Poblacion…………... 40
1.3Land Area (in hectares/square km.)
Urban…………………….48,885.83 / 488.8583 100%
Rural……………………9,922.90 / 99.2290      20.30%
Poblacion……………342.14/3.4214    0.70%
Non-Poblacion………48,543.69 / 485.4369    99.30%
1.4 Soils with Agricultural Value and Location
First Class Soils………………Bayabas, Consolacion, SW of Kauswagan, Baikingon, N of Balulang, NE of  Macasandig, and Camaman-an
Second Class Soils……………Carmen, Bulua and some parts of Gusa, Cugman, Tablon, Agusan and Bugo
1.5  Land Use (in percent)
Agricultural Area…………….72.58
Non-Agricultural Area……….27.42
1.6  Actual Land Use (in percent)
Commercial………………….. 0.36
1.7  Drainage
Rivers………………………….Cagayan, Iponan, Alae, Gusa
                        Cugman, Bigaan
Major Creeks………………….Binono-an, Bitan-ag,
                       Indulong, Kolambog, Sapong Umalag
1.8  Climate
Average Monthly Rainfall………….182.25mm.
Average Number of Rainy Days…16
Average Temperature (Mean)………26.5 C
2. Demographic Profile
                2.1 Population Size and Growth
                                Total Population                                             507,623
                                Urban                                                                   475,717
                                Rural                                                                    31,906
                                Urbanization Level                                       94%
Poblacion                                                          40,970
                                Non-Poblacion                                                446,653
Annual Growth Rate (1990-1995)          4.45%
                2.2 Population Density (persons per square kilometer)   1,038
Urban                                                                   1,939
                                Rural                                                                    131
                                Poblacion                                                          11,979
                                Non-Poblacion                                                961
                2.3 Fertility and Mortality
                                Crude Birth Rate per 1000 population                27.41
                                Crude Death Rate per 1000 population              5.47
                                Infant Death Rate per 1000 livebirths                 16.63
                                Neonatal Death Rate per 1000 livebirths          10.23
                2.4 Natural Increase and Net Migration Estimates
                                61,554 (60%)                    40,414 (53%)                    1990-1995
                                40,350 (48%)                    41,444 (40%)                    1995-1999
                2.5 Age Sex Distribution
                                Male                                                                      251,013
                                Female                                                                256,610
                                Mean Age                                                           23 years
                                Children (0-9 years)                                     129,413  
                                Youth (10-19 years)                                      117,759
                                Adult (20-59 years)                                       240,720
                               Senior Citizens (60 years+)                         19,730
                2.6 Dependency Burden
                                Productive Age (15-64)                                     309,833
                               Younger Working Group (15-39 years)       231,732
                                Older Working Group (40-64 years)           78,100
                                Dependent Age                                                     39%
                                0-14 Years Old                                                      185,798
                                65 Years and Over                                              11,993
                                Age Dependency Ratio      64 dependents per 100 worker
                2.7 Labor Force an Employment
                                Persons 15 years & over                                            315,000
                                Labor Force Participation Rate                              66.35%
                                Employment Rate                                                            90.91%
                                Unemployment Rate                                                       9.09%
3. Social Profile             
                3.1.Health, Nutrition and Family Planning
                       3.1.1     Health
                                    Leading Cause of Mortality        Vascular/Heart Disease
                                    Leading Cause of Infant Mortality   Prematurity
                                    Leading Cause of Morbidity               Bronchitis
Major Health Resources
                                             Physician                                                                         492
                                             Nurses                                                                               564
                                             Midwives                                                                          194 
                                             Sanitary Inspectors                                                      24
                                             Dentists                                                                              56
                                             Medical/Dental Clinics                                             181
                                             Family Planning Centers                                           20
                                             Barangay Health Centers                                          49
                                             Hospitals                                                                            12
                                             Hospital Beds                                                                976           
3.1.2 Nutrition
                Prevalence Rate of under-nourished Children    4.42% 
3.1.3 Family Planning
                Households                                                                     105,038
                Household Size                                                              5 persons
                Marriage Rate (per 1,000 population)                14
                Median Age of Couples at Marriage                      27 years
                Median Age of Grooms                                                 27 years
                Median Age of Brides                                                    23 years
3.2 Education and Manpower Development
3.2.1        Formal Education
School Age Pop. (6-21 years old)                       197,558
Total Enrollment                                                        170,180
Total Number of: Schools                                               199
                   Classrooms                                                    3,253
                   Teachers                                                         5,079
3.2.2     Non-Formal Education               
                               Total Number of Classes                                                178
                               Total Enrollment                                                            3,727
                               Total Graduates                                                              3,688
 philmapCDO.jpg (111417 bytes)
Map of the Philippines
3.3 Housing and Resettlement
                     Residential Zone Area (in ha)                                     5,974.6630
                     Existing Subdivision (area in ha.)                             717.6473
                     Complex Subdivisions                                                                25
                     Estimated Housing Stock                                               76,779
                     Housing Needs                                                                     37,484
                     Doubled-up Households                                                  29,027       
3.3Social Welfare and Community Development
                3.4.1 Social Welfare
                         Social Welfare Centers                                                            13
                         Day Care Centers                                                                     112               
3.4.2 Public Safety
                         Crime Rate (per 100 persons)                                                0.19
                         Crime Incidence per Month                                                   83
                         Crime Incidence per Day                                                           3
                          Fire Incidence                                                                              71
4. Economic Profile             
4.1 Agricultural Production
                         4.1.1 Crops
                            Agricultural Area Cover                                 21,047.4487 ha.
                            Area Devoted to Crops                                    4,808.45 ha.
                            Production (in metric tons)                           30,823.82 m.t.
                         4.1.2     Livestock and Poultry                                   97,144
4.2    Natural Resources
            4.2.1        Non-Metallic Mineral
             Production (value)                          P 3,761,012.25
4.3    Trade and Industry
           4.3.1        Domestic
             Business Establishments                               13,535
             Inflation Rate (Misamis Oriental)               13.4%
            Gross Regional Domestic Product            P 115,711,700 M
                (at current prices)
            CPI (all items Misamis Oriental)                                      145.3
            Banking Institutions (including branches)                  95
            Non-Bank Financial Institutions                                       116
            Insurance Companies                                                           94
            Pawnshop (including branches)                                      100
4.3.2        Foreign
Export Value                                                            P 6,995.562 M
Import Value                                                            P 11,283.558 M
Trade Balance (Value)                                         (P 4,288) M             Tourism
                Tourist Arrivals                            337,676 people
                Domestic                                          332,657 people
5. Infrastructure and Utilities             
5.1         Transportation
5.1.1        Land Transportation
Total Road Length                                   406,879.41 km
Total Number of Bridges                      97
Total Bridge Length                               2,029.68 lineal meters
Total Registered Vehicles                  35,166
Vehicle Density                                        86 per one km.
               5.1.2     Air Transportation
                               Average Monthly Number of Flights                                823
                               Average Number of Passenger/Flights                            49
5.1.3        Sea Transportation
Regular Shipping Lines                                                                    5
Number of Public Ports                                                                    1
Number of Private Ports                                                                  4
Number of Shipcalls: Foreign                                                  478
                                              Domestic                                       13,428
5.2         Water Supply
                5.2.1 With Level I, II, III, Water Supply/Service:
                                Barangays                                                                          76
                                Households                                                               914,66
5.2.2        Without Water Service:
Barangays                                                                           4        
Households                                                                2,513
5.3         Power and Electrification
5.3.1        CEPALCO
Total Number of Consumers                            75,467
Total Kilowatt Hour Consumption                 440,081,239
Number of Barangays Covered                       64
5.3.2        MORESCO
Total Number of Consumers                             2,147
Total Kilowatt Hour Consumption                  4,254,639.70
Number of Barangays Covered                        14
5.4         Communications
5.4.1        Telecommunications Services Telegraph Telex Stations                                              12 Telephone Service Providers Landlines/Conventional System                               5 Cellular Mobile Telephone Service Providers   5 Telephone Long Distance  Exchanges                  7 Trunked Radio Stations                                                     2 Pager/Beeper                                                                         2 Fixed and Land Mobile Radio Services             3,604
                                Subscribers Safety and Special Services Stations                1,161 Postal and Courier Services                                         26
                 5.4.2            Cable TV Stations                                                                    
                 5.4.3                     Broadcast Stations
                       AM Radio                                                                        9
                       FM Radio                                                                        14
                       Television Stations                                                   6

                5.4.4            Internet Service Providers                                               8
6. City Administration
           6.1 Administrative and Political Profile
           6.1.1 Barangays
           Farthest Barangay:           Tumpagon                                             34.0 km.
           Nearest Barangay:            Nazareth                                                    0.9km.
           Biggest in Area:                  Cugman                               39.519951 sq. km.
           Smallest in Area:               Barangay No. 20                      .40124 sq. km.
           Biggest in Population Size:    Carmen                   55,531 inhabitants
           Smallest in Population Size:  Barangay No.5            99 inhabitants
           Most Densely Populated Brgy: Macabalan  55,505 persons/sq. km
           Most Sparesely Populated Barangay: Pigsag-an   57  persons/sq. km
           Most Number of Registered Voters:     Carmen     22,525 voters
           Least Number of Registered Voters:   Barangay No.2     135 voters
                      6.1.2 Government Employees                                      3,189
                                                Permanent                                                   2,463
                                                Temporary                                                          11
                                                Casual                                                               225
                                                Co-terminus                                                      18
                                                Elected Official                                                15
                                                Contractual                                                     201
                                                Job Order                                                          256
6.2 Programs and Projects      
             6.2.1 Infrastructure Projects Completed   P18.959 M
6.3 Income and Expenditures
                                 Income                                                                          P794.918
                                 Revenue Per Capita                                                  687.89
                                 Expenditures                                                             750.582
                                 Expenditures Per Capita
                                                Education Sector                                               87
                                                Health Sector                                                    201
                                                Housing Sector                     
                                                Social Security Sector                                    54
                                                Economic Sector                                             194
                                                MACRO Sector                                                   533
                                                Others (Aids to government entities,etc.)

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